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2 giocatori, 1 giocatore, Flash, Sanguinosi, Animali, Cavalli | (14.5 MB) Data Aggiunta 08 Dec 2011
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Hippolyta is an interactive story adventure game that is made to test your reflexes in a number of challenges. Take on the role of an Amazonian slave-turned-warrior and play out the story of her quest for freedom. Complete each stage by pressing the correct button (W, A, S, D, or Space) at the right time. Hippolyta is a large game (16Mb) and may take a few minutes to load.

The sound is very well done and plays an important part in warning you about upcoming enemies, giving you a chance to respond before it's too late. The animation is very fluid, the voice-overs are professional, and the accompanying music is a pleasure to listen to. To increase replay value, there are a few other game modes that can be unlocked such as single player survival and local multi-player races.

Warning: This game is very difficult and is not for those with a short attention span. It takes a bit of time to learn the controls and proper timing to succeed.

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