Gioca online a Forgotten Hill Memento : Playground:

Enigmi, 1 giocatore, Flash, Sanguinosi, Fuga, Terrore, Android, HTML5, Halloween, Cellulare, iPhone, iPad, Touchscreen, Riflessione | Data Aggiunta 17 Oct 2017
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Forgotten Hill is a place where strange events often happen... Last week, the butcher who worked for you died in mysterious circumstances. No one knows what happened to him, but soon after, your wife died suddenly. Fortunately, you still have your son, in whom you place all your hopes. But... is he really normal? Could he have something to do with previous deaths? You will have to explore your house, look for answers... Good luck to all!

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Forgotten Hill Memento : Playground
Forgotten Hill Memento : Playground
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